PROBAST group Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care UMC Utrecht
Huispost Str. 6.131
PO Box 85500
3508 GA Utrecht
The Netherlands
Carl Moons
Prof. PhD
Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care
Utrecht, Netherlands
Robert F. Wolff
Kleijnen Systematic Reviews Ltd
York, United Kingdom
Marie Westwood
Kleijnen Systematic Reviews Ltd
York, United Kingdom
Susan Mallett
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Hans Reitsma
Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care
Utrecht, Netherlands
Gary Collins
Prof. PhD
University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom
Richard Riley
Prof. PhD
Keele University
Keele, United Kingdom
Penny Whiting
University of Bristol
Bristol, United Kingdom
Jos Kleijnen
Prof. PhD
Maastricht University
Maastricht, Netherlands
Probast group
Angela M. Wood
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom
Robert Wolff*
Kleijnen Systematic Reviews
United Kingdom
Penny Whiting*
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
Marie Westwood*
Kleijnen Systematic Reviews
United Kingdom
Andrew Vickers
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
United States of America
Yvonne Vergouwe
Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Danielle van der Windt
Keele University
United Kingdom
Gerben ter Riet
Department of General Practice
University of Amsterdam,  The Netherlands
Toni Tan
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
United Kingdom
Ewout Steyerberg
Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam and Leiden University Medical Center
The Netherlands
Ewoud Schuit
Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care and Cochrane Netherlands
UMC Utrecht,  Utrecht University,  The Netherlands
Rob Scholten
Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care and Cochrane Netherlands
UMC Utrecht, Utrecht University,  The Netherlands
Fülöp Scheibler
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein
Stefan Sauerland
Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare (IQWiG)
Willi Sauerbrei
University of Freiburg
Anne W. S. Rutjes
Institute for Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) and Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM)
University of Bern,  Switzerland
Maroeska Rovers
University of Utrecht
The Netherlands
Richard Riley*
Keele University
United Kingdom
Rob Riemsma
Kleijnen Systematic Reviews
United Kingdom
Johannes B. Reitsma*
University of Utrecht
The Netherlands
Bob Phillips
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD)
York,  United Kingdom
Pablo Perel
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
United Kingdom
Michael Pencina
University of Boston
United States of America
Frances Nixon
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
United Kingdom
Carl Moons*
Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care and Cochrane Netherlands
UMC Utrecht,  Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Susan Mallett*
University of Birmingham
United Kingdom
Mariska Leeflang
University of Amsterdam
The Netherlands
André Knottnerus
Maastricht University
The Netherlands
Jos Kleijnen*
Kleijnen Systematic Reviews
United Kingdom
Stephen Kaptoge
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom
Alfonso Iorio
McMaster University
John Ioannidis
Stanford University
United States of America
Chris Hyde
Peninsula Technology Assessment Group
United Kingdom
Lotty Hooft
Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care and Cochrane Netherlands
UMC Utrecht,  Utrecht University,  The Netherlands
Martijn W. Heymans
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Amsterdam Public Health research institute,  VU University Medical Center,  Amsterdam,  The Netherlands
Jill A. Hayden
Dalhousie University
Frank Harrell
Vanderbilt University
United States of America
Tom Fahey
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Emanuele di Angelantonio
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom
Joris de Groot
University of Utrecht
The Netherlands
Jon Deeks
University of Birmingham
United Kingdom
Thomas P. A. Debray
Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care and Cochrane Netherlands
UMC Utrecht, Utrecht University,  The Netherlands
Gennaro D´Amico
Ospedale V Cervello
Nancy R. Cook
Harvard University
United States of America
Gary Collins*
University of Oxford
United Kingdom
Patrick Bossuyt
University of Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Doug Altman
University of Oxford
United Kingdom

“We further thank for their valuable input, testing and feedback: Cordula Braun, Johanna A.A.G. Damen, Paul Glasziou, Pauline Heus, Lotty Hooft, and Romin Pajouheshnia.”